-The atom is a basic unit of matter consisting of a dense, central nucleus surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons.
What are the particles that make up an atom, list their mass and charge?
-Proton(postive, 1.672*10^-27 kg), neutron(neutral, 1.672*10^-27 kg), and electron(negative, 9.109*10^-31kg).
What is the size of an atom?
-The diameter of atoms depends on the element, but it ranges from 6.2*10^-11m to 5.2*10^-10m.
What is the shape of an atom, where are the particles?
-The shape of an atom isn't known for certain because it is known to change throughout the different elements, but the shape of the electron cloud surrounding the nucleus is generally tagged as a sphere. The electron particles are distributed on in the electron cloud outside of the radius, and the protons and neutrons are located in the nucleus.
What are the characteristics of electrons?
-Electrons are negatively charged. Their weight is 9.109*10^-31kg.
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